Section 1.01 – Definitions. As used in these Bylaws, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and phrases defined in this section shall have the meanings set forth herein.

(a) “Board” means the Board of Directors of the NDYR;

(b) “NDYR” means the North Dakota Young Republicans;

(c) “Term of membership” means the period of time from which dues are received by the State Treasurer until the State Convention;

(d) “Bi-annual State Convention” means the even yeared, election year, meeting of the NDYR;

(e) “Midterm State Convention” means the odd yeared, midterm, meeting of the NDYR;

(f) “YRNF” refers to the bi-annual convention of the Young Republicans National Federation;

(g) “Vacancy” means that an office is unfilled due to an Officer’s resignation or inability to discharge the duties of his or her office;

(h) Regional Board refers to the regional governing board comprised of at least Regional Chairs, 1st Vice-Chairs, and 2nd Vice-Chairs

Section 1.02 – Purpose. The purpose of the NDYR shall be to

(a) Elect Republicans throughout North Dakota;

(b) Develop a statewide movement of intelligent, professional and effective Young Republicans through education, training, and networking;

(c) Support the principles, objectives and platform of the Republican Party;

(d) Create, charter, supervise, and coordinate Regional Chapters of NDYR throughout the State of North Dakota.


Section 2.01 – Classes of Membership.

(a) Membership in the NDYR shall be composed of three (3) classes.

The classes shall be designated as Active, Honorary, and Associate.

Section 2.02 – Requirements.

(a) The requirements for membership in the NDYR shall be in accordance with the existing state and federal laws.

Section 2.03 – Active Members.

(a) Active Membership of the NDYR shall include persons between the ages of eighteen (18) and forty (40), inclusive, who are eligible voters of the State of North Dakota and who have paid the required dues.

Section 2.04 – Honorary Membership.

(a) The Honorary Membership of the NDYR shall include persons over age forty (40), who are eligible voters of the State of North Dakota who have paid the required dues. Honorary Members shall hold all privileges of Active Members, excluding voting rights and the ability to hold NDYR office.

(b) The Board, upon recommendation of the Chair, may by two-thirds (2/3) vote award to any person over age forty (40), a Permanent Honorary Membership in the NDYR. Permanent Honorary Members shall enjoy all privileges of Active Members except voting rights and holding NDYR office.

Section 2.05 – Associate Membership.

a. Associate Members shall hold all privileges of Active Members, excluding voting rights and the ability to hold NDYR office. No fees are required to join as an Associate Member.

b. High School Republicans, between the ages of thirteen (13) and seventeen (17), or College Republicans are Associate Members.

Section 2.06 – Dues.

(a) The Board shall have the authority, by a majority vote, to establish minimum dues to be collected by the Treasurer.

(b) Regional chapters collecting membership dues on behalf of the Board shall have the authority to withhold seventy-percent (70%) of the monies collected for the sole purpose of offsetting the operational costs of the Chapter.

(c) In the event that a Regional Chapter fails to maintain a minimum of ten members for a period of six or more months, the Board may take possession of any remaining funds by a 3/4 vote.

Section 2.07 – Membership Duration.

The term of membership shall expire annually, prior to the opening gavel at the Biannual or Midterm Convention.

(b) Dues received within Sixty (60) days prior to any State Convention may be considered dues payable for the following membership term.


Section 3.01 – Recognition. One Regional Chapter for each of the geographic regions as defined by NDGOP shall be granted recognition by the Board, so long as its Constitution or Bylaws are not in conflict with those of NDYR.

Section 3.02 – Regional Chapter Names.

(a) Each Regional Chapter shall be recognized by their geographic location. Section 3.03 – Regional Chapter Requirements.

(a) Regional Chapters shall meet at least four times annually.

(b) Elect a Regional Chair whose responsibility it will be to represent the Region on the NDYR Board and provide a report at all meetings thereof.

(c) Elect a First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair, who’s responsibilities shall be determined by the Regional Chair; and who may serve as proxy for the Regional Chair on the Board in the event of the Chair’s absence.

Section 3.04 – Fundraising. Regional Chapters are authorized to raise funds which may be held independently by the Chapter.

Section 3.05 – Financial Compliance. The NDYR Treasurer shall be authorized to perform an audit of all funds held by Regional Chapters. Each Region shall comply with guidance from the Treasurer with respect to reporting requirements, campaign contribution procedures, and any other matters of financial regulation.

Section 3.06 – Affiliation.

(a) Regional Chapters shall act as subsidiary organizations of the NDYR.

(b) In the event that the Board has deemed there to be good cause, the affiliated status of a Chapter may be revoked by a 3/4 vote.

(c) “Good cause” as used in this Section shall include, but not be limited to: failing to fulfill the requirements set forth above, or other conduct which is in violation of these Bylaws or which is detrimental to the welfare of the NDYR or the Republican Party.

(d) NDYR Members shall be members of the region wherein they reside.

Section 3.07-Districts- The Regional Boards will have the power to designate districts/clubs within their regions and appoint leadership to help them plan events in those areas.


Section 4.01 – Proper Calling of State Conventions. The Chairman shall issue the call and the Secretary shall give notice of the time and place of any State Convention to all members in good standing of the NDYR at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the Convention.

Section 4.02 – Supervision of the Convention. The Board shall have supervision and management of the State Convention and shall fix the official program and order of business.

Section 4.03a – Purpose. The purpose of the Bi-annual State Convention shall be to :

(a) Elect the officers of the NDYR;

(b) Amend Bylaws;

(c) Elect delegates to the YRNF;

(d) Determine the policies and positions of the NDYR;

(e) Provide training and education for the membership and Regional Chapters

Section 4.03b – Purpose. The purpose of the Midterm State Convention shall be to:

(a) Amend Bylaws;

(b) Determine the policies and positions of the NDYR;

(c) Provide training and education for the membership and Regional Chapters

Section 4.04 – Delegates.

(a) Any member in good standing shall be eligible to attend the Annual State Convention as a registered delegate.

(b) Delegate Voting. Each active member serving as a delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote.

Section 4.05 – Rules of the Convention. The convention shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.


Section 5.01 – Powers and Duties. The Board is vested with all of the powers and duties conferred by statute except as limited by these bylaws. The Board, in consultation with the NDGOP is authorized and given continuing authority to conduct the affairs of the NDYR in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and exercise authority over the day-to-day operations of the NDYR. It may enter into contract with parties to provide services for the NDYR which specify the nature of the services to be provided, the duration of the contract, and the terms of compensation.

Section 5.02 – Composition. The Board of Directors shall consist of the State Officers of the NDYR as set forth in Article VI of these Bylaws and the Chair of each Regional Chapter.

Section 5.03 – Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be called by the Chairman or by any five (5) members of the Board. Advanced notice, including an agenda for any meetings shall be given no less than seven (7) days prior to any meeting of the Board. Regular meetings of the Board shall occur no less than once per quarter.

Section 5.04 – Board Committees. The Chairman shall have the authority to appoint ad hoc committees.

Section 5.05 – Each director of the Board shall be designated one (1) vote.

Section 5.06 – Rules. The Board shall adopt rules to effectuate its duties set forth herein and elsewhere. Said rules shall be consistent with the requirements of statute and shall not be construed as to supersede any provisions of the governing documents of the NDYR.

Section 5.07 – Records.

The Board shall keep and maintain a full and complete record of all its proceedings, which records shall be open to inspection by any Active or Honorary Member of the NDYR within a reasonable timeframe.

Upon request by a Regional Board or Region Chair, the board shall disclose the current membership roster, for the respective region, within a reasonable time frame.


Section 6.01 – Election, Tenure, and Resignation. Officers of the NDYR shall be elected on even numbered years at the Bi-annual State Convention and shall hold office until their duly qualified successors are elected. Any Officer may submit a written resignation to the Secretary and such resignation shall become effective upon its terms unless it is accepted sooner by the Board. Termination of an individual’s service as an Officer of the NDYR simultaneously terminates that individual’s service as a Director of the NDYR.

Section 6.02 – Eligibility. Any Active Member in good standing is eligible to serve as an officer of the NDYR.

Section 6.03 – Chairman.

(a) The Chairman shall preside at all conventions and at all meetings of the NDYR. He or she shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the NDYR and shall exercise general supervision over the work and activities of the NDYR. He or she shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of Chairman or may be authorized by these Bylaws. The Chairman shall be a member of all committees.

(b) The Chairman may appoint individuals to serve the organization as he or she deems necessary with the advice and consent of the Board. The Board may only consent to appointments accompanied with a description of each appointee’s role, authority, responsibility, and to whom he or she is accountable. In this case consent shall be considered a ⅔ vote at a properly called meeting.

Section 6.04 – Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall act as assistant to the Chairman, and shall perform such duties as directed by the Chairman. He or she shall be a member of all committees.

Section 6.05 – Secretary. The Secretary shall be the recording and correspondence officer of the NDYR. The Secretary shall perform such additional duties as are assigned to him or her by the Chairman. He or she shall attend all Annual State Conventions and meetings of the Board and keep and record the documents and records thereof, which include keeping current these bylaws, if they are amended during a State Convention.

Section 6.06 – Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and account for the funds of the NDYR under the supervision and direction of the Board. He or she shall attend all meetings and Annual State Conventions of the NDYR. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing an annual budget to be approved by the Board.

Section 6.07 – National Committeemen. It shall be the responsibility of the one (1) national committeeman and one (1) national committeewoman to represent the NDYR to the YRNF.

Section 6.08--Policy Director – The Policy Director is an elected executive board member. The Policy Director is a senior member charged with advising and educating membership on empirical research-based public policy to advance the principles of American Conservatism and the mission of The North Dakota Young Republicans. The Policy Director is primarily responsible for:

- Managing the policy priorities in coordination with policy advisors.

- Recommending potential policy advisors to the Board of Executives.

- Recommending potential policy advisors to the Board of Executives for dismissal. - Engaging state policymakers to advance liberty and ensure the desires of the organization is well represented within the North Dakota State legislature.

- Engaging federal policymakers to advance liberty and ensure the desires of the organization is well known within the North Dakota’s federal delegation.

- Drafting policy briefs detailing and clarifying the official policy positions as adopted by the board and/or full membership upon convention assembly.

- Coordinating Ad hoc research responsibilities among policy advisors at the request of the board members or general membership.

- Research delegation authority delegated to the appropriate research authorities. - Representing the North Dakota Young Republicans in the process of writing the ND GOP platform at the state convention.

Section 6.08a--Policy Advisor(s) – The Policy Advisor is appointed (or dismissed) by executive board via a simple majority vote. The Policy Advisor is a non-voting member and is charged with advising and educating membership on the research-based public policy that best advances the principles of American Conservatism and the mission of The North Dakota Young Republicans. The Policy Advisor is primarily responsible for:

- Engaging state policymakers to advance liberty and ensure the desires of the organization is well represented within the North Dakota State legislature.

- Engaging federal policymakers to advance liberty and ensure the desires of the organization is well known within the North Dakota’s federal delegation.

- Drafting policy briefs detailing and clarifying the official policy positions as adopted by the board and/or full membership upon convention assembly.

- Ad hoc research upon the request of the board members.

Section 6.09 – Additional Duties. In addition to the duties of the officers as set forth herein, or by law, the Board may from time-to-time prescribe other duties to the officers.

Section 6.10 – Removal of Officers. A member of the Board may be removed by a 3/4 vote of the Board at a meeting called solely for that purpose. A removal vote may only occur after a hearing has been held with at least fourteen (14) days written notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting and the reasons asserted for the requested removal of an officer.

Section 6.11 – Officer Vacancies and Succession.

(a) Vacancy in the Office of Chairman. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall succeed the Chairman and complete the term to which the previous Chairman had been elected.

(b) Vacancy in Other Offices. In the event of a vacancy on the State Board of the NDYR, other than Chairman and Region Chairs, the Chairman shall appoint an Active Member to act as that officer and carry out that officer’s duties on an interim basis until the next Annual State Convention.

(c) Notice, of any resignation, that leads to the vacancy of an NDYR Elected Position, shall be given to the respective board(s), on the same calendar date, under which the position is occupied. Failure to do so will not be considered done in an acceptable manner. Resignations not done in an acceptable manner, as defined by these bylaws, shall not be considered binding. Upon notification of an acceptable resignation, the respective board(s), shall accept said resignation. The official date of resignation shall be considered the time of acceptable notification.

(d) In the event of a vacancy of a Regional Board Member of the NDYR, the remaining Region Board Members, of the respective Region, may appoint a new member within 15 Days of a vacated position becoming official. On the 16th day, after a position has been officially vacated, the State Chair, with ⅔ consent from the State Executive board, at a properly called meeting, may fill the vacated position.

(e) Regional Boards, if they choose to fill a vacancy, must fill any vacated position at a properly called meeting.

(f) Vacancies within Districts/Clubs shall be filled by the Regional Board

Section 6.12 – YRNF Delegates.

(a) Any Active Member in good standing shall be eligible to serve as a delegate to the Young Republican National Federation Convention. Delegates for the biennial YRNF Convention shall be elected at the Bi-annual State Convention. The number of delegates to be elected shall be included in the call to the Bi-annual State Convention.

(b) Delegates shall be determined in accordance with the YRNF rules and regulations.


Section 7.01 – Designated Spokesperson. The Chair shall be the designated spokesperson for NDYR.

(a) No other members of the Board or any Regional Chairmen shall be authorized to express views or speak on behalf of the NDYR or the Board on any matter in such person’s official capacity.

(b) Regional Chairs shall be granted the authority to speak on behalf of their Regional Chapter, however not on behalf of NDYR.

(c) Temporary exceptions may be granted either by the Chair or by a majority vote of the Board.


Section 8.01 – Amendment. Any Active Member in good standing may propose an amendment. These Bylaws may be amended at any State Convention if the following are satisfied:

(a) Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present and voting;

(b) Notice of proposed amendments have been provided to the Secretary in writing;

(c) Notice of the proposed amendments have been made to all Active Members of NDYR no less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the called State Convention.


Section 9.01 – Sexual Harassment. Any member of the NDYR that pleads or is found guilty of a

GSI crime will lose their membership with NDYR.

Article X. State Executive Board Endorsements

Any Endorsements to be made by the NDYR State Board, in regards to candidates, initiated measures, and/or any other organizational resolutions, shall be made after a quorum of ¾ of sitting Executive Board members is attained at an officially called meeting. At this meeting, with a quorum of members, ⅔ of members present must vote in favor of an endorsement in order to gain public approval and support of the NDYR organization.

Article XI. NDYR Chairman’s Society

The intention of this article is to extend honor and memory to past State Chairs for their hard work and dedication in growing and advancing Conservative Republican Principles in the NDYR organization and greater North Dakota area. For the purposes of this article, all duly elected Chairs shall be considered de facto members of this society. NDYR Chairman’s Society members will be considered valued board advisors and have an open invitation to State Board meetings and events until they no longer qualify for NDYR Membership.